Posted by : Unknown Friday, December 14, 2007

Recently I wanted to clear by Bluetooth Devices History on the Send To menu on my computer. With many files being sent to different devices and computers over a period of time, my Send To Bluetooth menu was quite cluttered with a long list. Many of these entries were useless since they were probably a one time transfer but they remained on my list forever. I tried to Google up (ahem.. tried Windows Live Search too) but there was nothing I could find for clearing this list on Windows Xp. Did a Registry Search too but to no avail. Thats when I came across a simple way to to this. My computer uses the Widcomm Bluetooth stack and here's what I did. I went to c:\Documents and Settings\< username >\Send To\Bluetooth (its a folder with the Bluetooth Icon on it) and thats where I could see 1 KB Shortcuts for each device. Interestingly these shortcuts point to c:\Program Files\WIDCOMM\Bluetooth\Bluetooth Software\btsendto_explorer.exe with a list of parameters which have the Bluetooth Device Address, Device Name and Device Class and deleting the relevant (or rather irrelevant) shortcuts result in the discovered device getting knocked out from the Send To Bluetooth list. I do not know of an option on Windows Xp which does this so I thought this might help someone who needs a solution to this.

One Response so far.

  1. Berbagi Ilmu says:

    it works...


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